Git is the most popular and widely used version control system today. Originally developed as an open source project in 2005 by the creator of the Linux operating system, it is a matured and actively maintained environment. A huge number of developers rely upon Git version controlling to develop several types of commercial and non-commercial projects. Git-based                                                  developers are well thought of and considered as                                                      valuable resources.

Advantages of Git

Git performs very strongly and reliably when compared to other version control systems. New code changes can be easily committed, version branches can be effortlessly compared and merged, and code can also be optimized to perform better.

Git is designed specially to maintain the integrity of source code. File contents as well as the relationship between file and directories, tags, commits, versions etc. are secured cryptographically using an algorithm called SHA1 which protects the code and change history against accidental as well as malicious damage. You can be sure to have an authentic content history for your source code with Git.

A key design objective of Git is the kind of flexibility it offers to support several kinds of nonlinear development workflows and its efficiency in handling both small scale and large scale projects as well as protocols. It is uniquely designed to support tagging and branching operations and store each and every activity carried out by the user as an integral part of “change” history.

Why use Git?

Branching and MergingGit allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be entirely independent of each other. The creation, merging, and deletion of those lines of development takes seconds.

Small and FastGit is fast. With Git, nearly all operations are performed locally, giving it a huge speed advantage on centralized systems that constantly have to communicate with a server somewhere.

Distributed Since Git is a distributed VCS it offers a local repository to each developer with its own history of commits. Therefore, you don’t require a network connection to create commits, inspect previous file versions, or check differences between two or more commits. 

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